Hello coders, today we are going to explain Solve Me First Hacker Rank Solution.
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Complete the function solveMeFirst to compute the sum of two integers.
a = 7
b = 3
Return 10.
Function Description
Complete the solveMeFirst function in the editor below.
solveMeFirst has the following parameters:
- int a: the first value
- int b: the second value
- int: the sum of a and b
1 <= a, b <= 1000
Sample Input
a = 2
b = 3
Sample Output
2 + 3 = 5
Solution - Solve Me First - Hacker Rank Solution
Python 3
def solveMeFirst(a,b):
# Hint: Type return a+b below
return a + b
num1 = int(input())
num2 = int(input())
res = solveMeFirst(num1,num2)
Disclaimer: The above Problem (Solve Me First) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is Provided by Sloth Coders. This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning Purpose.